Category: Camping

  • Where’s Rosie?

    Where’s Rosie?

    Matt and I packed up camp at the Platt River Campground and headed to Traverse City, then onto Petoskey. The views of the water were amazing and beautiful! Once in Petoskey, Matt set up camp at Petoskey State Park. I rode back into town to look for buttons made out of Petoskey Stone. My very…

  • Up, up, up into the Upper Peninsula

    Up, up, up into the Upper Peninsula

    Matt and I packed up our stealth camp with the decision to ride to the corner store for water and coffee. We were getting low on water and cycling back on the sand trap forest road without it would make it more challenging. At this point our caffeine intake was zero for the morning. We…

  • Brisket


    The weather changed in the early morning. We were prepared with our tarps already over our hammocks so one could sleep in until the rain passed. I was awake at 430am and mulling over riding to the corner bakery for coffee and fresh donuts. Rosie was all for it because it involved coffee and fresh…

  • Weathervanes and tailwinds

    Weathervanes and tailwinds

    The sun rose over the horizon on a new day. Matt and I wanted to get an early start, but had to stop at a Walgreens pharmacy before we left Muskegon. Our early start was after 930am, but well worth it. I picked up my last prescription for prednisone today! I am finally am able…

  • Rolling Rapidly away from Grand Rapids

    Rolling Rapidly away from Grand Rapids

    Matt, Rosie and I had a fantastic reunion Saturday afternoon. Matt had booked us a hotel so I could rest. It was nice to not hit the ground running as soon as I returned. Hugs, love and rest was what I needed. Sunday came quickly. We packed up and made it out around 1030am. After…

  • The Grand Ride into Grand Rapids

    The Grand Ride into Grand Rapids

    Matt and I got started earlier than 9am. Win! Our overnight stay at Gray’s campground was complete. Our camping neighbor was obvious to the parameters of “quiet hours” and proceeded to talk on speaker phone well into the morning. Matt slept through it and I did not. Today was a new day and we were…

  • Shrooms!


    Saturday we awoke to rain and more rain. Thankfully, our Warmshowers host Joann was so kind to allow us to stay an extra day for rest. She had a few things she needed done and we were certainly willing to help out. Matt mowed the lawn and I did the laundry and made up the…

  • Smooth trails and tailwinds

    Smooth trails and tailwinds

    The next morning, we awoke to chilly 48 degree temperatures and no dew on the tent or ground. We would be in for some weather soon. We were both surprised how warm it was in the tent. The crisp morning air might have motivated Matt to make hot coffee, me not so much. He brought…

  • Kindness abounds

    Kindness abounds

    The next morning as the sun was rising, I started coffee and began to pack up. Matt is usually the first to be ready to go and I am usually trying to round up my squirrels, ducks and cats. #adhd. Today though, I tried really hard to be ready to go. I even had coffee…

  • In the Right Direction

    In the Right Direction

    Overnight, the wind and temperature changed suddenly and the sky opened up. Thankfully, we had all of our gear and ourselves under the far reaching pavilion roof. There was no need to jump up and cover anything, so I just pulled my wubby closer and listened to the rain on the tin roof. Soon the…