The Grand Ride into Grand Rapids

Matt and I got started earlier than 9am. Win!

Our overnight stay at Gray’s campground was complete. Our camping neighbor was obvious to the parameters of “quiet hours” and proceeded to talk on speaker phone well into the morning. Matt slept through it and I did not. Today was a new day and we were going to make it to Grand Rapids! I packed extra bags today…under my eyes lol.

We made our way onto the White Pine Trail and headed south. This trail from south of Big Rapids to Sand Park is not paved, single/double grassy track and under construction. Hoping the construction includes pavement to make the entire trail accessible for all!There is a beam of hopefulness and positiveness here! In Howard township there is a small section of asphalt on the trail, as well as a pit toilet and picnic tables in the shade! At times we chose the road over the trail due to having a big mileage day.

Matt and I were due for a second breakfast and stopped at the little town of Howard. Lunch consisted of delicious ham and cheese sandwiches made the night before, naps and writing! I needed the nap, Matt was in his groove and began to write.

The picnic area is right across from The Forager restaurant. Absolutely cool steel artwork!

Once we were back on the trail in Howard, the pavement ran out and we were back on the road to save time. Only a short distance left to go to Sand Lake and it would be easy peasy riding again. After the shoulder and the automobile drivers attention to the PASS WITH CARE safety signs disappeared we got back on the trail. We did as the masses do and rode through the trail closed signs until it caught up with us. The final segment of the unpaved section had an excavator in operation. We turned around and went back to the road.

Trail closed…ish

We made it back onto trail pavement once again in Sand Lake! Smooth sailing as they say. Matt and I rode through some populated areas. We took breaks along the way in Cedar Springs and Rockford, MI. When we were stopped along the trail at a bench in Rockford, two recumbent cyclists that we had previously passed rolled up. We chatted with Robert Jensen and his friend for a few minutes. These two friends ride together often. Robert also has spends his time in Sebring, FL. He told us a story of when he was younger, in his 80’s, he and a friend rode around Lake Okeechobee. He had broke broke a hip on that ride. Oh snap! Hence why he was now on a recumbent. He is now 92 and still enjoying riding! He was a Professor of Art at a local college and has throughout the years has incorporated teaching into his touring. I.e. teaching documentary wildlife photography to students while they cycled the Southern Tier. Both Matt and I thought, WOW! What an awesome job! It was quite inspiring to meet Robert today!

Matt and I finished up our break and got back on the bikes. Our next sections of google bicycle routing were a mixed bag of everything. Sidewalks, broken pavement, tree rooted trails, skinny granite paths, walking bridges, underpasses, wide bike lanes, disappearing bike lanes and shoulders, curbs and dirt. We made it though! We made our final climb and arrived at our Warmshowers hosts house at 7:39pm. Not late, but right on time because I texted her a new ETA prior to our old ETA passed. 🤷‍♀️ Being early enough for Matt, not exactly. I am working on becoming more inline with his standard of “on time” as to be respectful of everyone’s time.

After a quick meet and greet, our Warmshowers host Claire, showed us our room and left us to ourselves pretty much the rest of the evening. We were exhausted. Matt decided to order a pizza so we could eat and go to bed. I did a quick load of laundry, grabbed a much needed shower and sat down with Matt to eat on the balcony. Claire came out and visited with us for a bit then bid us good night.

Early Wednesday, Matt and I got packed up. Claire is keeping my gear and bike for the time I will be away in Florida. We left my bike there and walked to a nearby nature reserve to sit and regroup before I leave for a few days. I am going to miss Matt and Rosie terribly for the next few days. I cannot wait to return and continue on our adventure!

Currently, I am in the midst of traveling to Tallahassee for my infusion, doctor appointments and work. I will be back to cycling and back on adventure with My Best, Matt and our unicorn Rosie Sparkle Farts on Saturday!

Follow Matt’s blog for his insights and humor!

Follow Rosie on Instagram at Rosie Sparkle Farts

4 responses to “The Grand Ride into Grand Rapids”

  1. Rose sounds like mr midnight rambler needs to learn manners! Prayers going out to you for your safe and speedy healthy return!

  2. Oh Rose! When you said, “Grand Rapids” I had to idea you meant MICHIGAN!! I lived for 26 years in a town next to Rockford, just north of Gr Rapids and west of Sand Lake called Belmont. I’m so glad you left your card with me so I could look up this website. Great adventures to you and Matt!

    • Onnie! I hope you enjoy the adventures we are on! Rockford was beautiful! We rode near Belmont on the White Pine Trail! Michigan is beautiful!!