Right on time

Our morning in Connellsville consisted of coffee and donuts! Matt worked on adjusting his seat stem while I worked on breakfast. Feeling like it was going to be a late start, we both began packing up before the morning slipped away from us.

Cold coffee and donuts! Its what’s for first breakfast!

Before we left we met a couple Don and Jo from Connellsville who were checking out the campground. They were planning on meeting a family that were on a cycling adventure together riding DC to Pittsburgh and back.  We talked about good parenting, life’s challenges and opportunities. When I discovered they were essentially hosting a family on a bicycle tour in honor of the memory of their son and their times spent on the GAP with their sons, I introduced them to my favorite touring cyclists hospitality network, Warmshowers.


They in turn introduced me to their favorite poem.

The Dash by Linda Ellis.

The Dash is beautiful poem that is so relevant to one’s journey in life and a reminder to make the most of every day.

Trail Angels Don and Jo

Matt and I rolled away from Connellsville towards Dravos Cemetery. We stopped at an overlook for second breakfast. Warm Sourdough 3 egg, hot sausage and pepper jack cheese breakfast sandwiches. Can you say delicious? Sorry, no yummy pic’s of this breakfast sandwich. I gobbled it up!

Fueled up from our second breakfast, we got back on the bikes and road towards Dravos Cemetery. We made a pit stop in Whitsett at South Yard Depot along the trail for a tea and pop. The owner gave us cucumbers fresh from her garden. We sat and chatted with her long enough to feel a nap coming on and her air conditioned airbnb calling our names. Resisting the temptation, we said our goodbyes, then quickly got back on our bikes and rolled away. Moments later Matt reached a box that said “Free Vegetables” along the side of the trail! We picked up broccoli, zucchini and 2 bell peppers! Such a blessing! Some of these will be eaten with tonight’s dinner!

My last onion from Betty’s Garden. A big zucchini, 2 bells and some stalks of 🥦 broccoli! Free!

We made it to West Newton and bought a bag of ice. We sat on a bench in the shade along the trail. The temperature was rising and ice cold water was so refreshing.

As Matt and I refilled our ice and hydro flasks, Rosie had a quick snack. She ate the last two donuts and a banana. She sure has a good appetite.

Matt and I rolled towards the visitor center for a bathroom break. He rode ahead to be in the shade while waiting for me. When I came out, I met 3 ladies interested in my loaded touring bike. We got to talking and they were bicycle touring the GAP together as a girls trip. I shared with them a bit about how I fell in love with touring and with Matt. They were interested in places they could go on their next tour, so when asked I shared my top 4 favorite rides.

  • Oregon Coast North to South
  • Key Largo to Key West
  • Fernandina Beach and Amelia Island section of the East Coast Greenway
  • Outer banks South to North

They were from Corning, NY around the Finger Lakes area and from Asheville, NC. Someday I will remember their names and ride the Finger Lakes!

Rosie and her new friends!

Matt was up ahead quite a ways when I caught up to him at a huge waterfall. He was chatting with a fellow cyclist, name Ron. They met on the GAP 3 years ago. Since then their paths have crossed many times between the GAP and Pensacola Beach. Two other cyclists stopped to chat with me and told me jokingly that Matt was lost without me and they were glad I showed up.

Matt and I were together again and rolled into Dravos Cemetery for the night. First order of business was swimming! It’s was a hot day and the water was refreshing. We got back to camp after a quick swim and put up our hammocks. Matt asked me to check the weather, you know because its right all the time…lol, not. Actually because it felt like rain to him. The Weather Channel failed to mention the rain and the drops of rain started soon after we had our hammocks up. Quickly, we put on our rain flies and made a beeline for the pavilions to start dinner.

On the menu tonight, trail magic broccoli & bell peppers, Betty’s homegrown onion, fully cooked Italian chicken breasts and a box of pantry shells and cheese! We ended up mixing it all together! It was so good and filling!

Voila! No Bake Camp Casserole!$4.85 dinner for two

It stopped raining as we finished up dinner and washed up our pots and pans. Back at camp, Matt remembered long ago that Mr. Thumbs 🦝 once resided here. He setup a line for our food panniers to be hung between two trees.

I walked over to the next campsite and introduced myself to Gunter, Ada and Oberon. Gunter had met his wife while on a bicycle tour in Egypt! Ada is 6 years old and Oberon is 8! Turns out this is the family that Jo and Don were hosting in Connelsville! We had great conversations about touring and adventures! The kids introduced Rosie and I to Adas’ Giraffe, Giraffe Raffe and Bernice, the non binary pigeon. Rosie posed for selfies with her new found friends.

Giraffe Raffe, Rosie Sparkle Farts and Bernice.

We still haven’t found Pig Pig on this adventure, but we are on the hunt! After reading Pig Pig Rides again, Rosie really wants to meet him!

Back at camp, Matt and I secured our belongings and went to lounge in our hammocks and write. At 10:48pm, I was awoken by the erie sound of my rack bag hitting the ground.

Mr. Thumbs was running down the embankment of the river with my medical supply bag. Why he needed a 16 oz bottle of wound care spray and a 4″× 30′ roll of Tegaderm waterproof tape*, I don’t know! Matt retrieved my items off the cusp of the hill. Dragged any further they would not be found.

Mr. Thumbs later returned to try his best to trapeze across the trees to access the other panniers. Matt was alerted to his antics and convinced him to exit the area via the treetops.

Thankfully, Rosie stayed tucked away in her hammock through all of this. I am sure Mr. Thumbs would have kidnapped her and took her to his lair.

Half asleep and hearing more raccoon like noises, I told Matt I was going to clock Mr. Thumbs if he got on my bicycle! I am sure that would be a sight to behold in the morning. Mr. Thumbs laid out by the bicycle.

With a restless nights sleep, Matt and I woke up late. We needed to be on the bikes by 8am for a 10 mile toodle to the bus station. Instead we raced out to the trail by 9:17am. We we were running on a half of cup of coffee. Riding hard and fast to McKeesport. It felt like we were going up hill, huffing and puffing in the loose trail base. But NO! The hills were just beginning. Running our gears from high to low at a moments notice. At times, frustration set in and I pushed my bike begrudgingly up the hill, my word bubble exploding. Time was ticking as we closed the gap to the bus station. We made it to a park nearby as I dismounted my frothy steed and frantically started throwing things inside a stuff sack. A cyclist who followed us and watched our struggle stopped and ask if we needed help. I kissed Matt goodbye and followed the cyclist to the bus station.. He rode beside me then ahead to the bus stop to hold the bus if it was about to leave. I was out of breathe and thanked him for his kindness as he rode away. This trail angels name was Tom.

I made the bus on time and transferred to the airport express bus. We are renting a car at the Pittsburgh Airport and dropping it off in Buffalo airport the following day. I am so excited to get rolling along on the Northern Tier! Matt patiently waited for me to arrive in the rental car. When I got there we worked together and loaded 2 bikes, 8 panniers 2 ice mules, a rack pack, 2 helmets, a handlebar bag and a very special unicorn in a Nissan Altima.

Soon we were on our way to Middleport, NY! Almost a 5 hour drive, but well worth it! Tomorrow we will wake up in the same place we met almost a year ago. Right on the Erie Canal.

Perfect end to our warm up tour! Middleport, NY

Won’t you join us as we live our life on adventure? Follow Matt for his perspective and humor at


This is us.

*Backstory to the very important medical supplies I carry with me on tour: After 23 years of being in remission, my autoimmune disease Ulcerative Colitis came out of remission with a vengeance in January 2022. It took many months of trying and failing different medications to get one that works. Unfortunately, during that time, the ulcers made there way down to my legs in the form of Pyroderma Gangrenosum. Treatment for UC is daily Prednisone 60mg and biologic infusions every 8 weeks in Tallahassee, FL.

PG is also treated with high doses of Prednisone and daily topical applications of Gentamicin, Tactolimus and Clobetosol ointments all of which must be applied to the clean wounds then bandaged up to stay dry. The Dermatologist recommended I use padded gauze, waterproof tegaderm tape (the best waterproof tape ever) and compression socks to protect my legs from further injury. Thankfully they now make cute compression socks! I am taking all the extra precautions, consistent wound care, watching my diet, lowering my stress and living life to its fullest on adventure! Yet I am still not willing to share my medical supplies with Mr. Thumbs.🦝

One response to “Right on time”

  1. Rose the poem was so true! Prayers for you matthew and rosie! Enjoy the adventure!