Tag: beans in the belfry

  • Midnight trains and Moonlight surprises

    Midnight trains and Moonlight surprises

    As night fell, we were lounging in our hammocks under the pavilion. We were stealth camped just off the trail, closer to the trail than the railroad tracks (8′ vs 20′). Every hour or so a train came by. The noise and vibration of the train and its massive weight would vibrate the pavilion. I…

  • Beans in the Belfry

    Beans in the Belfry

    As the morning light streamed through the leaves of the trees, I readjusted myself in my hammock. Matt was up already.  Just as I was about to say a dreamy good morning, my hammock broke and I met the ground with a sudden thud.  Matt asked if I was alright as he came over to…