Claire City Compromise

I woke to the smell of coffee brewing on the jet boil and a gentle breeze rocking my hammock. Matt had got up before me and made coffee. Another one of 789 things I love about him.

I climbed out of my hammock with stiff legs and sat down on the picnic table. My mind wandered as I sipped his delicious brew.

Picnic tables have been such a blessing on our tour. Its a good seat to sit on after being on the saddle all day. Its a flat surface to work and cook on. It keeps all of our gear off the ground when we unload and repack. We always look for a stealth campsite with a picnic table. This could be a contradictory statement. How does one find a stealth campsite with a picnic table as an amenity? I don’t know, it just shows up! As my friend Kim would say, the universe provides. Matt and I joke that we just pay for the picnic table at a campground. Its akin to finding money on the road. Its always a blessing to us.

Our spot by the
Bois De Sioux River.
Covered picnic table!
Across the river is Minnesota.

Before packing up, we made grits with bacon. A wholesome breakfast to get us going! Soon we are on our way in a Westerly direction.

We got on the road less traveled and pedaled along for quite a ways. On each side of this raised two lane road were very active marshes. Birds of all kinds were fluttering, diving, swimming and floating. Some were afraid of the slow movement on the road, others went about their day as if we were no bother. It was beautiful day to be pedaling above the marsh and observing the activity.

Morning marsh birds
An old wooden barn in SD
Far off in the distance…Rosie is watching out for snakes from the observation deck. I ran over one that was on the move in between my tires. Yikes!

Traffic was light on the paved road we were traveling on. Matt pulled over to let a combine pass.
Matt sharing the road.

Small town after small town. We came to Claire City, population 76. I think this is the smallest town I have ever been in. I believe the town I grew up in, Higley, Arizona had a higher population in the 1970’s. I digress.

Claire City does have a cafe, convenience store, a post office, an Inn, a railroad crossing and a steakhouse/lounge.

Matt and I pulled in and had lunch at the Cafe. The owner really did a great job on our burgers. When we left the Cafe, so did our motivation for more miles. We grabbed a room at the Inn and took the rest of the day off.

What are you doing with your fine selves this beautiful Saturday? I hope y’all have made the most of your day and are looking forward to an awesome adventure tomorrow!

Be blessed!

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