Tag: frugal cooking

  • Claire City Compromise

    Claire City Compromise

    I woke to the smell of coffee brewing on the jet boil and a gentle breeze rocking my hammock. Matt had got up before me and made coffee. Another one of 789 things I love about him. I climbed out of my hammock with stiff legs and sat down on the picnic table. My mind…

  • Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota Oh My!

    Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota Oh My!

    Matt and I left Brule, Wisconsin early. We were headed in a Westerly direction hoping to go more than 50 miles. We chose to ride through the lower part of the town of Superior. This would keep us out of the city as much possible. Google kept rerouting us to the ORV trail. Me stubbornly,…

  • Where’s Rosie?

    Where’s Rosie?

    Matt and I packed up camp at the Platt River Campground and headed to Traverse City, then onto Petoskey. The views of the water were amazing and beautiful! Once in Petoskey, Matt set up camp at Petoskey State Park. I rode back into town to look for buttons made out of Petoskey Stone. My very…

  • Weathervanes and tailwinds

    Weathervanes and tailwinds

    The sun rose over the horizon on a new day. Matt and I wanted to get an early start, but had to stop at a Walgreens pharmacy before we left Muskegon. Our early start was after 930am, but well worth it. I picked up my last prescription for prednisone today! I am finally am able…

  • Shrooms!


    Saturday we awoke to rain and more rain. Thankfully, our Warmshowers host Joann was so kind to allow us to stay an extra day for rest. She had a few things she needed done and we were certainly willing to help out. Matt mowed the lawn and I did the laundry and made up the…

  • In the Right Direction

    In the Right Direction

    Overnight, the wind and temperature changed suddenly and the sky opened up. Thankfully, we had all of our gear and ourselves under the far reaching pavilion roof. There was no need to jump up and cover anything, so I just pulled my wubby closer and listened to the rain on the tin roof. Soon the…

  • The long day

    The long day

    After a much needed restful night’s sleep, Matt and I packed up, cleaned up and rolled out of Richard’s cottage. It was probably one of our most restful, productive and relaxing stays at a Warmshowers hosts home. In hindsight, we wish we would have asked to stay an extra day, but we must press on.…

  • 3 Corners for a Triplet.

    3 Corners for a Triplet.

    Stealth camping in Monclova was quiet until acorns started dropping from the sky…maybe someone’s mouth was full or the sky pantry was too full. Either way it started raining acorns and I woke up hoping it wasn’t Mr. Thumbs 🦝 or his brother the Squirrel coming in from up above lol. We got up super…

  • Beautiful Ohio

    Beautiful Ohio

    After a restful night’s sleep at our Warmshowers hosts David and Mary’s home in Vermilion, Ohio, Matt “volunteered” to go get coffee downstairs. 😍 Time passed and I smelled coffee and bacon. I had to go down and join in! I met the other touring cyclist Morgan Wolf from Fresno and Mary! Over coffee and…

  • Beans in the Belfry

    Beans in the Belfry

    As the morning light streamed through the leaves of the trees, I readjusted myself in my hammock. Matt was up already.  Just as I was about to say a dreamy good morning, my hammock broke and I met the ground with a sudden thud.  Matt asked if I was alright as he came over to…