Moonlight treasure hunt

On the front side of midnight, the moon was shining on the Potomac River. I awoke and after adjusting my pillow, I realized I was missing one of my very special earrings Matt had given to me. Turning on my phone flashlight, I began searching the inside of my hammock. Matt was reading and I called out to him. Now we were both searching for an earring at midnight. The hammock turned up nothing. The ground under the hammock showed no signs of sparkle as I cautiously scanned the grass below. Matt had gone to the picnic table and searched there. Relief and elation filled my heart as Matt exclaimed ” I found it!” It had fallen off when I removed my helmet after getting back from the grocery store. Covered in mud, with a faint sparkle, it illuminated as Matt’s headlamp hit it. I am so very thankful to have the earring back. In the moonlight, we walked to the river counting our many blessings. Then climbed back into our hammocks and fell fast asleep.

Matt and I both woke up fairly late. I had coffee ready and breakfast started when he zipped out of his hammock.

Fried eggs, pepper jack cheese, potatoes and bacon
Its what’s for breakfast!

We had a lazy morning which got us on the trail after noon. A new record for us, lol.

Pedaling along for a bit, we stopped at a bench to have a drink. Not a moment to soon, Claudia, Nora and Freedom rolled up. She is a mom with two young girls off on a bicycling adventure. Parenting done well!After a quick chat, they were back on their ride.

Lunch is served! Parmesian chicken thighs, eggs and pickles on French toast!

Matt and I decided to make Chisel Branch campsite our destination this afternoon. We arrived and began to set up camp.

Rosie found a new friend. Bear met his first unicorn today. His owner said he was a rescue from a puppy mill. Today he was socializing and getting over his fear of bicycles. Apparently, he has no fear of unicorns lol

We were all social butterflies today as we sat at the picnic table. Rosie met a Bull Mastiff named Bear. We spoke in depth to a solo touring cyclist named John before he continued on his ride. Evening was approaching and another touring cyclist set up camp. Mark is a 5th grade teacher in the DC area. He was on summer break and was on his was to DC. He had cycled 70 miles today and was riding ultra light. Mark joined us at the picnic table. As our conversation unfolded, he mentioned he had hiked the AT. We spent the evening cooking and sharing stories of adventures and life.

Beef its what’s for dinner!
Finally a meal for the cast iron. Not sure if the pan will make our weight cut later this week.
Fresh from Bettys garden Yukon Gold Potatoes, sauteed red onion, cheesy french bread, parmesian couscous, and a delicious steak! Dinner for two under $13.

While cleaning up, it was discovered that Mr. Thumbs had visited Mark’s bicycle bags.

We set up a line to hang up gear and were all soon out for the night.

2 responses to “Moonlight treasure hunt”

  1. Rose the food looks delicious!glad you found your earring. we all have so much to be thankful for! sweet little rosie met a new doggy friend!