Warmshowers and flowers

Matt and I were up early in Middleport. It was good to revisit the exact location where we met each other for the first time. The sunset on the water was beautiful with the evening fireworks. More positives were the breeze was quite nice overnight, cooling it off. After only 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep, we were able to give each other our opinions of our air mattresses, cooling top sheet and modifications needed for a better night’s sleep in the Marmot Tungsten 2 person tent. We grabbed showers, did laundry and packed up camp before 8:30 am. We had to have the car back to the airport by 1pm. We made a plan to run errands then drop Matt off with the bikes and gear near the airport, while I returned the car and walked back to Matt’s location.

Rosie said she needed a spa day!
And donuts!
This girl is hilarious! I think the sugar has kicked in.
Rosie is too cute when we catch her sneaking sips of our coffee. I think she needs her own Buy Me a Coffee account, but for now she is on mine.



When I returned the car, I noticed we came in under budget by $5.17 for our rental car and fuel expenses. Yay! Maybe that is enough for 3 ice creams on hot day at one of these roadside country creamery shops.

When I arrived back to Matt’s location, he had both the bikes ready to go! This is one of the 580 things I love about him!

Rosie hopped off the bikes during the last pic. As she excitedly slid down the letter U, she exclaimed ” U is for Unicorn!” I caught her before she jumped in the fountain!

Rosie knows her alphabet.
U is her favorite letter.

Just before we got on our way around 1pm, I contacted our Warmshowers hosts Joanna and Michael in Hamburg to give them our ETA! Google took us through a few bike routes and on the Lehigh Valley Rail Trail.

Lehigh Valley Rail Trail

The wind did not deter us from reaching our destination. We were both ready for a shower and a cold glass of water by the time we reached Hamburg, NY.

Michael had text and said look for the house with the awning and flowers. My mind wandered into Horticulture mode as I wondered about their flowers and landscape. When we arrived there was an abundance of beautiful flowers!

Our hosts Joanna, Michael and their daughter Magda invited us into the backyard. They were also hosting Bruce, a 73 year old cyclist from New Hampshire. He had an electric assist Trek. His destination is Salt Lake City to see his daughter. What an amazing adventure he is on! You are never too old or too young to be on adventure and live your dreams!

We all sat around the table for dinner in the beautifully landscaped backyard. During dinner conversations, I discovered how well Michael and Joanna are instilling a great sense of adventure in their daughter Magda. At age 7, she is already a world traveler!! Way to Go Michael and Joanna!

Matt, myself, Magda, Bruce and Joanna

After a delicious pasta dinner, Joanna made us all bowls of ice cream. This really hit the spot!

Tillamook Peanut Butter Chocolate ice cream topped with fresh whipped cream and oreo crumbles. Just Yum!!!

Michael brought out their corn hole game. Magda and the guys played a few games.

Bruce, Michael, Magda and Matt playing corn hole
Joanna and I in the backyard garden.
Bruce’s tent in the background.

Joanna and I walked and talked about her garden and design. She definately has a green thumb. Her Mom helped plant alot of her beds. The pollinators and butterflies must think her yard is heaven with all the vibrant flowers and nectar to choose from. I hope you enjoy the fruit of their labors as much as I did.

Joanna and Mike’s inviting front yard. The hardscapes came from Lake Erie and other places they have visited, such as Sedona, AZ!
Zinnias and Knockout Roses make for an eye catching bed!
Joanna’s fenceline garden bed

Beautiful backyard fenceline filled with perennials, annuals, evergreens and deciduous trees, shrubs and an apple tree!
Red Zinnia
Rosie’s favorite pink Zinnia
Orange Zinnia
White hydrangeas
Jethro Tull Coreopsis
Love the petals on this
Jethro Tull Coreopsis
Rising Sun Coreopsis
Little Goldstar Rudbeckia
Yellow Canna Lily
Supertunia Bordeaux
Unopened Helianthus Sunflower 🌻
Helianthus Sunflower 🌻
Dwarf Flowering Almond*
Monarch butterfly feeding on Buddleia Butterfly Bush*
Black Swallowtail Butterfly*
A Fritillary feeding on a Zinnia*
Hummingbird moth feeding on a Buddleia Butterfly bush *

Matt retired to the guest bedroom to work on routing, blogging and a nap. I stayed up and visited on the front porch while the sunset.

Michael and Joanna have really put in a full effort to make their place inviting. The front patio sunset view is beautiful!

As soon as the sunset, so did my energy level for the day. I said good night to my hosts and retreated to the guest bedroom for a good nights rest. I fell fast asleep thinking about how I am so very thankful for our wonderful Warmshowers hosts Michael and Joanna and their wonderful hospitality.

*pics compliments of my Warmshowers host Joanna in her butterfly garden

For more content and Matt’s perspective follow him at


6 responses to “Warmshowers and flowers”

  1. Absolutely loved the beautiful flower pictures and especially loved the ones with butterflies !!

  2. Really enjoying the flower pictures. And what a lovely variety of butterflies! It’s so dry in our area of PA that’s it’s been hard keeping our flowers alive this summer. Hydrangeas are really suffering. Glad to see Rosie got her spa day. Happy travels, stay safe.

  3. Rose the flowers and butterflies were so beautiful its just gorgeous! and such wonderful people!

  4. Thank you ladies. My Warmshowers host Joanna, her mom and husband Michael have put in alot of hours planting and designing a wonderful garden that is so very inviting. We were blessed to stay with them during what appears to be the height the bloom of season in NY.