Tag: butterflies

  • Weathervanes and tailwinds

    Weathervanes and tailwinds

    The sun rose over the horizon on a new day. Matt and I wanted to get an early start, but had to stop at a Walgreens pharmacy before we left Muskegon. Our early start was after 930am, but well worth it. I picked up my last prescription for prednisone today! I am finally am able…

  • Smooth trails and tailwinds

    Smooth trails and tailwinds

    The next morning, we awoke to chilly 48 degree temperatures and no dew on the tent or ground. We would be in for some weather soon. We were both surprised how warm it was in the tent. The crisp morning air might have motivated Matt to make hot coffee, me not so much. He brought…

  • Beautiful Ohio

    Beautiful Ohio

    After a restful night’s sleep at our Warmshowers hosts David and Mary’s home in Vermilion, Ohio, Matt “volunteered” to go get coffee downstairs. 😍 Time passed and I smelled coffee and bacon. I had to go down and join in! I met the other touring cyclist Morgan Wolf from Fresno and Mary! Over coffee and…

  • Beep Beep Butterfly

    Beep Beep Butterfly

    Morning came quickly after a good night’s rest at Joanna and Mike’s house. Matt and I packed our things and Joanna made us some deliciously strong coffee (just the way we like it) and a fantastic breakfast. Magda and Rosie were writing each other notes during breakfast like classmates. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and…

  • Warmshowers and flowers

    Warmshowers and flowers

    Matt and I were up early in Middleport. It was good to revisit the exact location where we met each other for the first time. The sunset on the water was beautiful with the evening fireworks. More positives were the breeze was quite nice overnight, cooling it off. After only 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep,…