Tag: butterfly garden

  • Weathervanes and tailwinds

    Weathervanes and tailwinds

    The sun rose over the horizon on a new day. Matt and I wanted to get an early start, but had to stop at a Walgreens pharmacy before we left Muskegon. Our early start was after 930am, but well worth it. I picked up my last prescription for prednisone today! I am finally am able…

  • Rolling Rapidly away from Grand Rapids

    Rolling Rapidly away from Grand Rapids

    Matt, Rosie and I had a fantastic reunion Saturday afternoon. Matt had booked us a hotel so I could rest. It was nice to not hit the ground running as soon as I returned. Hugs, love and rest was what I needed. Sunday came quickly. We packed up and made it out around 1030am. After…

  • Friends, Family, Flowers and Fun in Florida.

    Friends, Family, Flowers and Fun in Florida.

    After very smooth layovers at three airports, I arrived in Tallahassee at 11pm on Wednesday. I decided after walking towards the airport exit to take a Lift to my storage unit. My legs needed the exercise, but I needed to get my tired booty in bed, quickly. Once I unlocked the gate and door to…