Friends, Family, Flowers and Fun in Florida.

After very smooth layovers at three airports, I arrived in Tallahassee at 11pm on Wednesday. I decided after walking towards the airport exit to take a Lift to my storage unit. My legs needed the exercise, but I needed to get my tired booty in bed, quickly.

Once I unlocked the gate and door to my storage, I made my attempt to start the jeep. A little fussy and feeling forgotten, she hesitated then finally started up. Guess I should have talked to her first, instead I was more like alright, I’m back, let’s go! If she could give me the stink eye, she would have. Lol.

I pulled her forward into the grass and loaded up my work tools. Then searched around for a few things, locked up and left for my family’s house. I arrived just past midnight. My youngest niece Sarah Beth was still up studying. It was great to see her. She is growing up so fast! After a quick chat, I went up to bed.

Fast asleep, Thursday morning came quickly. I made my way downstairs to grab a cup of coffee. My nephew, Will was up and ready to go to school. He pulled out homemade hot rolls from the oven as I poured a cup of coffee. The warm wafts of fresh baked hot rolls filled the kitchen as he opened the oven. Welcome back, I thought to myself, oh have I missed my family. My brother in law Aaron, left me a note on the cupboard saying sorry he missed me, see you tonight. Thursday was his birthday! Celebrations on Friday.

I buttered up a hot roll, and finished a cup of coffee. Got ready and rolled out by 8am. My first stop was a client in Meridian. Weeding, trimming, containers/beds and general clean up. I am thankful for his flexibility and understanding towards my schedule for the next two days. Midday, I rolled back into town and got my eyes on my next two accounts before I made it to my dermatology appointment.

My original dermatology appointment for Friday got cancelled, but thankfully when I called on Tuesday, they had one cancellation for Thursday at 1:20pm.

Before I left on tour, I began a lengthy fight with a new autoimmune disease, Pyroderma Gangrenosum(PG) Initially, I had seen my dermatologist for some previous sun damage and in late April had shown her the developments on my legs. What looked like abrasions and scratches were actually ulcers opening on my legs. Absolutely astonishing. At time, I knew absolutely nothing about PG. I did know my Ulcerative Colitis was raging out of control and was not responding to previous treatments as I was waiting insurance approval for infusion treatments. My original dermatologist referred me to their MD. After multiple appointments before I left on tour, I was given good direction for care of my open wounds and my prednisone was upped to 60mg a day to annihilate the inflammation. My follow up appointment Thursday revealed great news! Medically, I am healed!!

Basically, the open ulcers on my legs were now closed and I should continue to care for the wounds in the same manner until the new skin grows over them! WAHOO!! Praise God!!Doctor recommendedation of shin guards for safety and cycle down on the prednisone!Continue to wear the compression socks and BE CAREFUL. OK. Y’all I won’t be sharing before and after pictures of the PG for fear of you losing your lunch. 🤮🤮🤮 Let’s just sum it up as an uphill, tedious, depressing, gross, meticulous, slow battle. I am SO GLAD it is almost over! Best of luck to anyone who is in the midst of fighting this autoimmune disease. I will say that cycling and compression socks have helped with circulation. Reducing my stress level has helped as well. Below will be the links to the other great products I used in my recovery.

After the great news from my dermatologist, it was now time to go shopping!! Plant shopping!! After hitting all my favorite shops and nurseries, I returned back home for the night.

My evening was spent catching up with family over a delicious dinner in their home. It was so very good to be around the table again with them laughing and chatting.

Friday FriYay!!

I managed to get out of the house by 830am. My infusion was scheduled for 10am, but why not be early? Today, I have a full schedule of planting happiness right after my infusion.

After arriving at Tallahassee Memorial Cancer Center, I checked in and sat among the warriors, the strong and the brave. The ones who are fighting for their lives and battling the big C. Thankfully, I am not fighting the big C. After a short while, I was called back as a chair had opened up. My nurse today was Zachara. She had just transferred from the hospital. During my infusion preparations we chatted about calves, compression socks, out tour and love story, cycling, adventure and the love for the outdoors. She was a hoot. I was glad to have her as my nurse and to connect so well with her.

As we were talking Dyna the therapy doggo walked up. I hadn’t met her before and my love tank was running low on dog kisses and snuggles. She was a cheerios eating sweetheart.

Dyna the Doggo loves Cheerios!

As soon my infusion began it was quickly done within an hour. Easy peasy. I will be good to go for another 8 weeks! I am very thankful this treatment is working for my ulcerative colitis and I am thankful for the great staff at Tallahassee Memorial Cancer Center. I said my goodbyes and made my way back to the jeep.

Let’s get the party started!! The Planting 🌺Party🥳!!

I have wonderful clients and truly appreciate the opportunity to plant happiness in their space! My first stop was an interior plant refresh at Hill, Spooner & Elliot INC Real Estate. Beauty and happiness added to their interior plantscape ✅

Sanseveria, Aglonema and Cordyline combinations
Fiddle Leaf Fig

Next stop my clients residence. During the refresh of her containers, she arrived home. It was great to catch up with her. She gave me two of the greatest compliments that day. First was a referral to an interior designer. Second was, “Its always like Christmas when you come and refresh my containers!” Love this!! ❤Planting Happiness Everywhere is my company, Living Designs motto. 😃🌺

Blue My Mind Evolulus Happiness!
Clarity blue dianella, Carex Feather Falls and white begonias make for a lovely table top bowl.
Blue point juniper, coral reef sedum, white begonias and wire grass with a mix of succulents to enjoy by the lake.
Picture perfect.
Hello Fall, Goodbye Summer!
Arizona cypress pom pom topiary mixed with lambs ear, succulents, bubblegum supertunia and purple queen combination container.

Next stop, back to my clients residence in Meridian. Weeding, pruning and container refresh. It was good to see all the progress and the flowers blooming this season. I am looking forward to seeing the growth in 8 weeks.

Landscape design by
Living Designs LLC
Turtle pond by
Aquafeatures of Tallahassee
Matt worked for Aquafeatures of Tallahassee and helped install this beautiful turtle pond before we left on tour.
Shade lovers coleus and maiden hair fern
Swedish Ivy, Spider Web Fatsia, Maiden Hair fern, coleus container combination. My client has a good eye for design. I love her strategic placement of her hop along bunnies.🐇🐇
Landscape design by
Living Designs LLC
Koi pond by
Aquafeatures of Tallahassee

The setting sun casted a warm glow on the landscape. I finished weeding and packed up, then snapped a few pics before I left and headed home.

My sweet family had made me a plate of dinner. It was good to visit with my family again, although my time was brief with them. My next visit to Tallahassee will be a bit longer and I hope to catch up more then.

Sonic Saturday!

My 3am alarm sounded and I was jolted from a heavy sleep. My wonderful brother in law, Aaron had set the coffee maker for 245am. Dressed and packed, I headed downstairs for coffee. Thankful for a cup before I head to the airport.

I dropped the jeep off in haste at storage. American Airlines notifications were alerting me I needed to be 2 hours early. I knew this, but was cutting it short. I ordered a Lyft. Once at the airport, I sat and waited. Let’s just say on an earlybird flight anywhere out of Tallahassee on a non holiday, if not checking bags, one could be good with arriving 1+ hours ahead of boarding their time. Lesson learned. I was caffeinated, alert and on time for my flight. Win!

Beautiful views in seat 30A
Great artwork in Charlotte Airport

My flight back to Grand Rapids arrived on time. I was excited to get back to Matt and my bicycle! My wonderful Warmshowers host, Claire picked me up from the airport and brought me back to her place. Soon I was packed up and back on my bike and in Matt’s arms once again!

Our adventures together begin again on Sunday! We will be heading North to the Upper Peninsula and over to Anacortes, WA in the next 8 weeks.

Subscribe to Matt’s blog and Follow Rosie Sparkle Farts on Instagram for more fun, adventurous content!

8 responses to “Friends, Family, Flowers and Fun in Florida.”

  1. I’m sorry to hear that you are going through such a terrible time medically, but I love your upbeat can – do attitude!! The plantings are gorgeous!! Love all of the pictures of your and Matt’s trip! What grand adventures you are are having!!! Enjoy!!

    • Hi Deborah,
      Thank you for the kind words. We are having the time of our lives on this adventure! I’m really happy you enjoy reading about our adventures😀. Medically, I find it best to reduce my stress, have a good attitude and follow my doctors orders. For many years, I probably did the opposite and skated by for a long time. The UC caught up to me, but I am on the mend! Hallelujah! Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for subscribing!

  2. So glad that your medical news is all positive. I’m sure the bike tour and lower stress levels have helped! And being in love is the best “medicine” ever. Enjoy the ride. Stay safe.

  3. Hang in there Rose. It’s a beautiful summer in the UP so far. Now I get those long socks you wear biking. Hi to your lover boy too😉 Marty and Joey