Category: Uncategorized

  • Friends, Family, Flowers and Fun in Florida.

    Friends, Family, Flowers and Fun in Florida.

    After very smooth layovers at three airports, I arrived in Tallahassee at 11pm on Wednesday. I decided after walking towards the airport exit to take a Lift to my storage unit. My legs needed the exercise, but I needed to get my tired booty in bed, quickly. Once I unlocked the gate and door to…

  • Welcome to Michigan, Goodbye Indiana

    Welcome to Michigan, Goodbye Indiana

    Midnight wind led to rain. Thankfully, Matt the avid reader and meteorologist he is was awake just prior to the storm coming in. I was just enjoying the breeze not putting two and two together, in the dark might I add. Lol. Matt quickly sprang from his hammock and began putting up the rainflies. I…

  • The moments we live for

    The moments we live for

    After a good nights sleep, I awoke just before sunrise and quietly started coffee when Matt woke up. We had coffee on the mountain top at sunrise. Soon were back at camp getting a second cup of coffee and making breakfast. Matt made us oatmeal. We needed the carbs for a possible big day of…

  • Great Falls, MD

    Great Falls, MD

    Wow! What a beautiful sight!! If you ever get the opportunity to take in Great Falls, do it!! Absolutely majestic!! Matt and I toodled over to Great Falls, took in the views, then had a picnic before heading back to camp. Lunch today was egg, pepper jack cheese and bacon quesadillas. Made with the only…