Beautiful Ohio

After a restful night’s sleep at our Warmshowers hosts David and Mary’s home in Vermilion, Ohio, Matt “volunteered” to go get coffee downstairs. ๐Ÿ˜ Time passed and I smelled coffee and bacon. I had to go down and join in! I met the other touring cyclist Morgan Wolf from Fresno and Mary! Over coffee and an awesome breakfast prepared by Mary and David, we had good conversations about adventures, tours and life. They fed us all quite well. Homemade pancakes cooked just right, real maple syrup,, butter, thick bacon, fresh blackberries and pineapple. Well done and such a great way to send off cyclists!

Mary and David.
Excellent Warmshowers hosts
in Vermilion, Ohio
I gathered Rosie up. She dove into the flowers just before we left. This unicorn of ours is always frolicking in the flowers.

Matt and I rode through Vermilion towards Huron. We had a good shoulder riding West on Route 6 into Huron.

Flower boxes on the bridge.
Well done!

Once in Huron, it was though the city rolled out the “green” carpet for cyclists. Well done Huron!

Rosie says “Ride the magic carpet Mommy!”

We made a left at Main Street in Huron and followed some Rural roads toward North Coast Island Trail. We rode along and met Stephen Saunders. He was cycling from Chicago to Provincetown, MA. We chatted and shared about our tours, then he set off for Vermilion.

Stephen from Rhode Island and Fort Myers, FL

Once we were on the North Coast Inland Trail we rode along peacefully and talking with each other about how much we love the trails and smooth, rural country roads with minimal traffic.

Rosie wanted to see Matt so I put her on my shoulder.
Brave Unicorn!
Back on the observation deck she goes.
Country roads take me home

Along the trail, we saw fields of beautiful squash and had to stop for a picture.

Look at this Gem!
Beautiful squash on the
North Coast Inland Trail.
Rosie and her squash.

Rosie tried to convince me to take this one with us. It was too heavy. She got back on her observation deck and pouted for a few miles. Sparkling tears came out of her eyes. She finally cheered up when we stopped for a bite to eat. Ice cream always make things better.

We came to the town of Clyde where we stopped for a gallon of water. Matt met a couple who looked us up while they were waiting for Chinese takeout. After a quick visit we got back on the trail and headed west.

Rosie says “Pedal faster Mommy, Daddy is rolling away!!!”

We stopped shy of Fremont. Temperatures will be dropping to 63 degrees tonight, so Matt and I agreed stealth camping it is! It’s been a sun shiny kind of day. We both got a little sun today as well as hot on occasion. So bring on the cooler temps!!

We found a good site along the trail, complete with a small pavilion, a bench and a few hammock trees. We set up my hammock first. I needed a nap and Matt was going to work on his blog. Unfortunately, my middle name should be grace, I tore my zipper off my bug net on my Enos hammock. Matt had worked on it for an hour and to no avail. Then Voila! It worked!!

I originally compromised the zipper on my bug netting by getting my hair stuck in it multiple times lol, painful but funny but not funny.๐Ÿ™ƒ

I am thankful for Matt’s patience and his dexterity in his fingers. He has big hands, like his โค heart. I don’t know how he did it, but he fixed it!!

Hammocks tonight under the pavilion. One cyclist stopped to offer us a banana and water. Super sweet of her.

Night has fallen and our first trains have passed by. Hoping it will be the last one until morning ๐ŸŒ„.

Time to rest. Good night y’all.