The long day

After a much needed restful night’s sleep, Matt and I packed up, cleaned up and rolled out of Richard’s cottage. It was probably one of our most restful, productive and relaxing stays at a Warmshowers hosts home. In hindsight, we wish we would have asked to stay an extra day, but we must press on.

We rode out of Colon and into a few more small towns via country backroads. We stopped at Johnny B’s convenience store in Menden for a quick break.

As we were refilling our waters outside the store, a lady came up inquiring where we were headed. She shared with us that she and a friend did a 2 day adventure on the White Pine trail from Cadillac, MI to Grand Rapids. We were excited to learn of this trail and congratulated her on her awesome adventure!

Rolling out of the parking lot, we stopped and spoke with another lady interested in where we were headed. Her name was Colleen and she was originally from Kalamazoo, MI. She knew the Kal-Haven trail we were heading to and said it was beautiful. We always appreciate the personal knowledge and input on trails. Thank you Coleen! Soon we were back on route zig zagging through the fields of corn and soy beans towards Colon.

We rode towards another small town, knowing we needed to stop for a second breakfast, but the storm clouds were rolling in. Not wanting to get caught in the downpour we put the pedal to the metal and made it just in time to Vicksburg High School, Home of the Bulldogs. We arrived right on time just as the wind and deluge of rain down. We sat on a comfortable bench near the front door and ate our second breakfast more cold lasagna! Yum!

Deluge of rain
Vicksburg, Michigan
One cannot go wrong with Pennisetum Princess Caroline and pink petunias!
Great containers in downtown Vicksburg, Michigan

After an extended break and a very filling second breakfast we got back on the road. We cycled through the small town of Vicksburg we found a more direct route towards Kalamazoo and took it.

The direct route is sometimes not the most ideal surface.
Matt on the alternate route.
Beautiful views
on a canopy lined dirt road
Kalamazoo River Valley Trail

Late in the afternoon we finally arrived at Kal-Haven Rail Trail. The map at the trailhead said indicated camping at Goble, Michigan. We were both feeling pretty good so we decided to keep on moving. The first 5 miles of this trail heading out of Kalamazoo were a slight downhill. What a nice ride! Coasting along under the cool canopy of the forest. There was evidence of the area getting hit by storms. I am glad we missed that action!

Kal-Haven Rail Trail
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Up and over

When we got into Goble, neither of us could locate the camping area, so we pressed on to Bloominggale. One could camp in the city park there.

We rode into Bloominggale town park and scoped it out. Yes! There was designated free camping area up in an open field. Running water from a pump and a pit toilet. There was also one pavilion. We opted for the pavilion. Both of us tired, hot and sweaty from 64 miles of riding. Dinner was another helping of lasagna and hard boiled eggs. At $2.00 a serving how can you go wrong?


Staying dry without the rainfly!

After dinner, I rode up to the local market and got some provisions. Water, ice and a well deserved dessert. Soon back at camp, we wrapped up our evenong with jello pudding cups and donuts. We turned to our hammocks and called it good for the day.

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