Tag: wildrosepedals

  • Central Montana

    Central Montana

    Harlowton to White Sulphur Springs A cold front moved in for a few days over Central Montana. We had planned on staying only one night at the Country Side inn, but the cold, rainy weather convinced us otherwise. We stayed dry and comfortable inside for our unplanned rest day. We did make it out for…

  • Prairie Towns

    Prairie Towns

    Forsyth to Ingomar, MT We left out of our hotel in Forsyth fairly early. Their “hot” breakfast was microwave ready, so we gathered a few provisions, packed up and left the small railroad town of Forsyth. We rolled across the bridge and stopped to admire the Yellowstone River. The bridge had a good sidewalk across…

  • Big Sky Country

    Big Sky Country

    Southwest North Dakota Matt and I took a much needed rest day in Hettinger, N.D. The following morning we got on the road at sunrise! We were planning on setting personal records today with our promised 20 to 50 m.p.h. tailwinds and gusts! Zoom Zoom! Into the brisk wind we go! The sun felt wonderful…

  • Counting our Blessings

    Counting our Blessings

    As comfortable as the bed at our hotel stay was in Britton, we managed to get on the road before 830am. Forecast today was 80°, SE winds up to 25mph and plenty of sunshine. The previous day on a gravel road incline, Matt’s rear hub broke. We were literally in the middle of nowhere in…

  • Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota Oh My!

    Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota Oh My!

    Matt and I left Brule, Wisconsin early. We were headed in a Westerly direction hoping to go more than 50 miles. We chose to ride through the lower part of the town of Superior. This would keep us out of the city as much possible. Google kept rerouting us to the ORV trail. Me stubbornly,…

  • Goodbye, Michigan until we meet again…

    Goodbye, Michigan  until we meet again…

    I have mixed feelings about leaving Michigan. Matt and I have had the best time riding in Michigan. The people have been so unbelievably kind. As a whole, the bike trails in Michigan were amazing! But we must get a move on! Here is a recap of our last days in the beautiful UP! We…

  • Off road adventures

    Off road adventures

    Our Westerly direction led us to Newberry, Michigan. It is the Moose capital of Michigan. Matt and I were looking for a moose and only came up with Mr. No Antlers Paint me Green with Envy. The wind swept us into the Gateway Motel. I paid the man and we were out of the wind.…

  • The long day

    The long day

    After a much needed restful night’s sleep, Matt and I packed up, cleaned up and rolled out of Richard’s cottage. It was probably one of our most restful, productive and relaxing stays at a Warmshowers hosts home. In hindsight, we wish we would have asked to stay an extra day, but we must press on.…

  • Welcome to Michigan, Goodbye Indiana

    Welcome to Michigan, Goodbye Indiana

    Midnight wind led to rain. Thankfully, Matt the avid reader and meteorologist he is was awake just prior to the storm coming in. I was just enjoying the breeze not putting two and two together, in the dark might I add. Lol. Matt quickly sprang from his hammock and began putting up the rainflies. I…

  • New Treads

    New Treads

    Early to bed early to rise. Well maybe not. I didn’t get up until 730 this morning and even then Matt had coffee ready for me in my hammock. Allstar! We were discussing getting another night at the state park, dropping our gear and riding south into Angola for my bike tire. It was getting…